
Comprehensive Security Solutions for Schools & Universities

Comprehensive Security Solutions for Schools & Universities

A big focus in education today is the safety and security of students, educators, and staff. Between digital and physical threats, there are plenty of reasons for schools and universities to include security systems in their budgets. 

At Securida, we primarily focus on physical security solutions and strive to explain the importance of ensuring everyone is safe at school. Let’s look at some benefits of security in schools and security solutions to implement. 

Benefits of School Security Solutions

Whether your school decides between armed security or unarmed security, both have major benefits for schools and universities. Educational institutions can see many benefits of school security solutions, including: 

  • Promotes positive learning environments by providing a safe place 

  • Prevents escalations of violence between individuals

  • Allows for quick emergency response 

  • Focuses on prevention and education for students and staff

  • Encourages communication between the security personnel and students

  • Coordinate safety across larger areas, like universities

  • Strengthen preparedness for emergencies

Best Security Solutions for Schools and Universities

By incorporating essential security solutions at schools and universities, administrators can ensure everyone’s safety. There are many ways to increase security, so let’s dive into some of the best educational security solutions. 

Threat and Risk Assessment

Running exercises and assessing schools and universities for weak points can help identify where a threat may come from. This can also help students and staff understand what needs to happen if a threat does arise, ensuring everyone can adhere to the plan to remain safe. 

Cameras and Locks

Using traditional security equipment like secure locks and cameras can help provide security personnel with a wide view of the campus. With cameras, security can watch for signs of a threat and communicate that to those in the vicinity. Secure locks can help prevent unauthorized access to the school or other areas. 

Intrusion Alarms

The quickest way to alert many people to a problem is an alarm. Using different alarms for different problems can help students and staff respond accordingly. 

Unarmed Security Guards

Including resource officers or security guards can provide many benefits to schools and their security. Highly trained guards can recognize the signs of a threat can help mitigate problems and potentially stop a threat before it escalates. Depending on the school’s culture, educational directors may want to consider unarmed security guards, as they can be a successful deterrent for threats. 

Security guards play an active role in crisis management. When something occurs, the security guards and their response are essential to protecting students and staff. They can also help detect potential threats and provide essential communication throughout the campus to staff, students, administrators, and local law enforcement, as needed. 

Security Patrols

Security patrols play an important role in campus security. Mobile guards can monitor larger spaces, particularly where cameras are not 100% effective. They can also respond to emergencies anywhere on campus faster than other guards. Security patrols can also help prevent vandalism and theft.  

Secure Your Twin Cities School or University with Securida

When you need commercial security solutions in the Twin Cities, look no further than Securida. Our company has over 30 years of security experience, and every security guard we employ has extensive training and experience with handling threats. 

We offer our customers superior customer service, and we will always strive to exceed your expectations. We offer one-on-one security consultations and assessment of security risks, to ensure we can provide the most effective security solutions. 

Keep your school safe. For a free estimate, give Securida a call at 612-444-3308.


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