
Avoid the Common Security Mistakes Businesses Make

Avoid the Common Security Mistakes Businesses Make

Businesses sometimes neglect security that revolves around human and physical property. Many articles exist about increasing your cybersecurity, but what about the security of your employees, clients, customers, and yourself? After all, everyone wants to go home at the end of the day safely and in good health.

Businesses make many mistakes regarding security, and we here at Securida want to make sure you avoid these mistakes. Read on for some of the most common security mistakes and how to avoid them.

Lack of Emergency Training for Employees

Employees and anyone inside your building should know what to do in an emergency. You can’t just count on a security alert that comes over the speaker system. Your employees should know how to react or where to go when an emergency occurs.

These emergency situations can include inclement weather or someone entering the building with malicious intent. No matter the reason, employees need to be trained on safe escape routes and procedures.

The best way to avoid this mistake is to conduct regular safety training for your employees. Another way is to hire unarmed security guards to help direct and maintain the safety of the building.

Unarmed security guards can help mitigate many types of emergency situations and will bring your employees peace of mind. Training your employees on preventing workplace violence is also important for your business’s security.

Gaps in Security Plans

Gaps in security plans are a common mistake that businesses make. A professional security company can help you identify areas of concern with your business or facility’s security. This can include entryways and doors that need keys or access cards, camera systems, emergency alert systems, and a lack of in-person security.

To avoid allowing gaps in your security plan, contact Securida. We will provide a security consultation to help you determine the best way to keep your facility or business secure. This might include updated emergency alert systems or the presence of armed or unarmed security guards, which promotes a safe work environment


The worst mistake to make is to be complacent about your security measures. The less thought put into your business’s security, the more likely it is that a breach will occur and someone could get hurt. Assuming that your business is safe is a bad idea, so reach out to a security company right away to make sure you, your employees, and your clients are all covered and protected.

Taking initiative and being proactive about your security is the way to combat complacency. Try to think of all the potential threats to your business and ways to mitigate them. Of course, you can contact Securida for help with that as well. We can help you problem solve your security issues and make your business a much safer place for everyone.

Contact Securida Today for a One-on-One Security Consultation

With our communities in mind, Securida trains and employs some of the best armed and unarmed security guards in the Twins Cities. We are a locally-owned company, and all of our employees live and work in the area, which means they are all committed to keeping our community safe.

For more information and a one-on-one security consultation, give us a call today at 612-444-3308 or send us a message on our website.


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