
Tips for Preventing Workplace Violence & Promoting a Safe Work Environment

Tips for Preventing Workplace Violence & Promoting a Safe Work Environment

It is unfortunate that this conversation has to happen, but keeping your employees safe from workplace violence is an important part of being a business or facility owner. While the statistics for workplace violence have been going down since the 1990s, it’s still something business owners should consider when staffing their facilities.

At Securida, we understand the importance of keeping your employees safe during their work hours. We’ll show you some tips for preventing workplace violence and promoting a safe work environment for all your employees and building staff.

Analyze Your Workplace

Before considering any changes to your workplace to reduce violence, you should analyze the current state of affairs. Consider if there have been any instances of workplace violence before, what kind it was, and who was involved.

Was the workplace violence properly handled, and were there any measures put in place after the incident occurred?

Also, consider if there have been no instances of workplace violence, then what are you doing correctly to keep that from happening? Reread your workplace violence policy and see if there are any gaps that you could fill with a rewritten policy.

What about your facility itself? Are your doors kept locked, and are your employees protected when they leave for the night?

These questions can help you get a better understanding of your workplace and the potential for violence.

Create a Supportive Environment

It is important that you and your HR department make your employees feel safe and heard if they come to you for help. This can include altercations between employees or if an employee is being threatened in their home. An angry partner may show up at your place of work to harass your employee, and they need to be protected from that possibility.

Help your business create a supportive environment so your employees feel safe to bring these concerns to you or HR. Making them feel like they can speak their minds about violence can help stop further issues from occurring.

Establish a Clear Workplace Violence Policy

You also need to consider how your company handles workplace violence. What support or disciplinary actions will you take against someone who has committed workplace violence? What support is there for the victim?

If you haven’t considered these questions, it is important to do so. Make sure your workplace violence policy is distributed to your employees. It’s also a good idea to have them sign off that they understand the policy.

The Importance of Having a Security Plan for Your Business

A security plan incorporates more than just a workplace violence policy. A security plan is a set of procedures and documentation that outlines and trains your staff in relevant security measures. You could do emergency response planning and training and develop a comprehensive strategy.

A security plan usually includes:

  • Inventory Management of Security Devices

  • Emergency Response Planning and Training

  • Ongoing Maintenance for Critical Systems

  • Developing Redundancies and Backups in Case of Emergency

  • Patrol Routing for Security Guard Services

  • Report Structure

Why You Need a Security Plan

While every business will develop a security plan at some point, you may need to take it a step further and make it more robust. Security plans are a great way to learn more about your business.

Hazard assessments can help you find safety issues that could harm employees or lead to potential violence. Security plans are essential for keeping employees safe.

How to Choose the Right Security Company for Your Needs

If you have decided that you need additional security support in the form of a security guard or force, then you want to make sure you choose the right company for your needs.

A good security company will make sure their employees are specially trained and experienced to handle whatever problems may arise. The security officers may also have law enforcement or military backgrounds. You’ll also want to look for a company with many years of experience in security.

If you’re in the Minneapolis area, Securida can help you create a safer environment for your employees. We can provide armed or unarmed security officers, along with long- or short-term contracts.

We have expertise in all federal laws, state guidelines, and local government ordinances relevant to your business.

Contact Securida Today for a Free Estimate!

We want to help protect you and your employees from potential violence. That’s why we offer free estimates to our future clients.

With over 30 years of combined security experience, Securida is equipped to handle whatever security needs you may have. We have experience in many sectors and can help you create a violence-free place for your employees to work and thrive.

Call us today at 612-444-3308 or send us a message on our website.


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