
How Our Security Guards Handle Crowd Management at Large Events

How Our Security Guards Handle Crowd Management at Large Events

Large events, such as concerts, sporting events, festivals, and more, are always fun and exciting. But with so many people in one location, many things could potentially go wrong. If your company or organization is planning on hosting an event in the Twin Cities, we recommend hiring a local security company like Securida. 

Professional security guards are an excellent resource for protecting your event, your organization, and the attendees. With a large collection of skills, security guards provide extra support and act as a visible deterrent to potential threats. Crowd management is a large portion of managing an event, so let’s look at how security guards can help maintain order. 

Managing Entry and Exit Points

Security guards posted at entry and exit points have several key benefits. They can perform screening and bag checks to ensure no unauthorized items make it into the event, and they can check tickets to ensure the person is allowed inside. As for VIPs, security guards can ensure they’re allowed in certain areas and restrict access to anyone trying to get in the area without proper credentials. 

Another important task is monitoring the flow of people, ensuring that there is no mad rush for the entrance when the event opens. These types of behaviors by event attendees can harm others, making it more dangerous. 

Monitoring the Crowd

Depending on where the event is taking place, there may be security cameras that need monitoring. In addition, security guards can patrol areas and observe crowd behavior to identify potential issues such as aggressive behavior or overcrowding. Security guards stay in constant communication with the rest of the team to relay information and coordinate responses. 

Security guards can also watch for signs of distress, such as an individual who may need medical attention or groups engaging in unruly behavior. 

Enforcing Rules and Guidelines

Large events need rules and guidelines to ensure the attendees behave appropriately. Security guards can help enforce these rules, in addition to stopping unauthorized entry, disorderly conduct, or alcohol misuse. They can also set up and watch over barriers to keep people in designated areas and prevent access to restricted zones. 

Responding to Emergencies

A well-trained security team can be the difference between life and death for an attendee who experiences a medical emergency. Guards can assist in bringing in medical help or accompanying someone to a first aid tent. 

In the event of a weather or other disaster emergency, security guards can help evacuate or direct attendees to appropriate shelters or away from the venue. They can also help de-escalate conflicts or handle disruptive individuals. 

Ensuring Visibility and Approachability

Security guards can make people feel safer. When they are visible, some are less likely to try and become a threat or engage in illegal activity. Other attendees will also feel more comfortable approaching the guard to report unruly behavior. 

Protect Your Event With Professional Security from Securida

Securida is your local Twin Cities security company. We provide highly-trained security guards for many sectors, including events, companies, apartments, construction sites, hotels, retail, banks, and more. 

We are locally-owned and operated and have over 30 years of experience in commercial security. Many of our professionals have military or law enforcement backgrounds, making them the ideal security guards for your needs. 

Request a free estimate online or give us a call today at 612-444-3308.


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