
8 Reasons Construction Sites Should Have Security Patrol in The Twin Cities

8 Reasons Construction Sites Should Have Security Patrol in The Twin Cities

Construction sites are dangerous areas for trespassers. Between equipment, trenches, materials, and moving parts, anyone who is not supposed to be on a construction site can end up injured or worse. Having a security patrol around a construction site can help mitigate many risks.

Securida, your local Twin Cities security company, explains why having a security patrol around your construction site is essential for the safety and well-being of your workers and your assets.

1. Theft Prevention

Construction sites are usually full of materials, equipment, and tools. These things can be easy to steal if someone wants to. However, a security patrol can be a visual deterrent for theft and other suspicious activities. You won’t have to worry about your expensive construction tools going missing if you have someone keeping an eye on the site.

2. Safety Monitoring

Construction sites are hazardous areas and can be prone to accidents and mishaps, particularly during non-working hours. Security patrols can help monitor the area and keep curious or suspicious people from entering the site and getting hurt.

3. Monitoring Access Points

For construction sites with access points, security patrols can monitor those who come on and off the site. They can ensure that only authorized personnel and vehicles enter the site. This helps control who is on the site during working hours and prevents others from getting on site after hours.

4. Crisis Response

In the case of an emergency or crisis, a security patrol can help mitigate the situation and call for emergency services. These situations can include security breaches, fires, injury accidents, and other critical incidents. Security patrols are trained to take immediate action and address the situation calmly.

5. Loss Prevention

In addition to theft, security patrols can help prevent loss. This can include vandalism, theft, and other criminal activities that could pose a loss for your project or company.

6. Preventing Sabotage

There could be situations where people are unhappy about your construction project and may consider doing something drastic, which can result in project delays and financial losses. Security patrols can help prevent individuals from intentionally sabotaging your construction site. Those with malicious intent will be stopped before they can commit any acts of vandalism.

7. Community Relations

Since your construction project is part of a community, your security patrols can help with community relations by ensuring the site is safe from children or other individuals who might wander onto the site and get hurt. It shows that you care about the community and are willing to help keep people safe.

8. Liability Reduction

Construction site owners can reduce liability problems with a security patrol. The patrols can help stop accidents or incidents that could lead to injuries or potential legal liabilities.

Other High-Risk Areas That Should Have Security Patrol

Construction sites aren’t the only places that can benefit from security patrols. Other high-risk areas, like parking lots, buildings, storage facilities, power sources, HVAC buildings, dumpsters, and high-traffic areas, can all benefit from security patrols. Event space security patrols can help mitigate suspicious activity and inappropriate behaviors.

Dedicated security patrols for businesses are essential as well for protecting your employees, property, and liabilities. Unarmed security patrols for schools and educational institutions are also a good idea.

Protect Yourself and Your Assets with Securida Security Patrols

As a local security company in the Twin Cities, Securida understands the importance and need for security in high-risk areas.

We are dedicated to helping you protect yourself and your interests through highly-trained armed or unarmed security guards and security patrols. We can work in many industries, such as apartments, HOAs, commercial buildings, hospitals, and more.

Contact us today at 612-444-3308 for more information about construction site security, or send us a message online.


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